I am remembering a Thanksgiving eve that Cathy, Chelsey, and I spent with a congregation in Chicago. I’m sure worship was wonderful; however, that is not what I remember. After worship, we went to the fellowship hall and had a turkey coloring contest. We made a turkey by tracing our hand and then decorated it. We did all of this while eating pie. I remember there being a lot of laughter. Perhaps, like me, you crave laughter this Thanksgiving Day.
I usually find myself reminding people to take a moment away from the feast, the football, and the fun to thank God. This year, I think we need to lean into the fun and create some moments of laughter. I know the “theology of the cross” teaches that Jesus comes to us in the pain. Jesus surely does. But perhaps in finding some moments of fun this Thanksgiving, we will also experience Jesus coming to us. That is my hope for you.
Pastor Chrisy, Rebecca, Ann, Chelsey, and Cathy join me and wishing you a fun Thanksgiving. All you need is a piece of paper, a hand to trace, and some crayons with which to color. If you have no one to show your creation to, take a picture and post it in our synod’s Facebook group. It’ll be fun!
Happy Thanksgiving!
Bishop Craig